WK Online study Aids Library is now Aspen Learning Library. The company is in the process of updating their training materials. This area will be updated as soon as new materials are available.
The Aspen Learning Library is available to Villanova Law school students, faculty, and staff and requires your VU login for access. The Study Aids library provides full-text, online ebook access to Wolters Kluwer materials including the following series:
User guides for logging in, using the advanced e-book features and using the WK Study Aids Online Mobile App are included below.
These are interactive computer exercises and questions that test your knowledge of the material and help improve your test-taking skills.
The CALI lessons provide interactive exercises where you enter responses to questions based on fact patterns and receive an instantaneous evaluation of your answer, prompts to guide you to, or, the "right" answer.
You learn the law and how to apply the law to a body of facts--the key to doing well on exams.
Some of the CALIs are mini-tutorials on a particular subject.
Most CALIs tell you how long it should take to complete the exercises, and they range anywhere from 10 minutes to one hour.
There is even an interactive CALI on how to take law school exams titled, "Writing Better Law School Exams: The Importance of Structure".
To access CALI lessons online, you must request an Authorization Code either from the Law Library Reference Desk or by emailing Lori Corso. CALI DVDs are also available at the library reference desk for offline access to the lessons.
You can view a list of subjects covered by CALI lessons without signing in.
CALI held conversations with several law professors from across the country, asking them about outlines, studying for class, preparing for exams, time management, and how professors grade exams. These conversations were recorded as podcasts and are available on the CALI site (you must register/create a CALI user name to access these podcasts--contact Lori Corso for the login information.
See training resources for additional research platforms and software on the Software & Vendor Training guide.
Sign into Bloomberg Law to go to the videos. They can also be found under the "Law School Success" section of the home page. Cover a variety of topics:
Sign in to Lexis Advance and then look for the "Lexis Learn" link on the left side of the page. Tutorials cover a variety of subjects with more being added over time. Current offerings include:
Self-paced tutorials walk you through a variety of research topics including:
Created by CALI. Features short (10 minute) lectures recorded by law professors from many different schools. Search the Lawdibles blog or select a topic in the "Posts About" subject list. Also available from iTunes.