A good way of preparing for all open book exams is to condense your outline into fewer pages to easily find the legal rules and principles.
To access CALI lessons online, you must request an Authorization Code either from the Law Library Reference Desk or by emailing Lori Corso. CALI DVDs are also available at the library reference desk for offline access to the lessons.
You can view a list of subjects covered by CALI lessons without signing in.
You must read, outline and study your course material, but the best way to determine if you truly know the material and can articulate that knowledge in writing is to take a practice exam. The exams show you whether you can apply your knowledge to a distinct body of facts in a fact pattern by identifying legal issues, articulating the legal rules, applying those rules to the facts and reaching a conclusion.
You should take practice exams under exam conditions--following time limits and undisturbed. One of the best uses of a study group is to have members compare and discuss their answers to exam questions. Two heads can be a lot better than one in spotting all of the issues in a complicated fact pattern.