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Teaching Materials for Faculty: Required Text, Assignments, Affordable Options, and more: Existing Subscriptions & Collections: Links, Films, Books and more


This TAB lists sources for course material that are available through Law Library and Falvey Library subscriptions.


Use Existing Subscriptions: Westlaw, Lexis, HeinOnline, BloombergLaw

Professors may include direct links from Blackboard to existing subscriptions for Lexis, Westlaw, BloombergLaw and HeinOnline. Contact your liaison for a demo or see these instructions:

Creating Direct Links from Lexis or Westlaw - use the link icon 

Creating Direct Links from HeinOnline (adding our proxy) or HeinOnline Knowledge Base Link page

Use PLI - Practical Law Institute materials

Our law library subscription to Practicing Law Institute (PLI) offers over 7,000 ebook on a wide variety of legal topics. Over 3,000 were published in recent years. Villanova Law students and faculty may access these at no cost as part of our subscription.Use this link and filters to browse or search for titles. Here are a few direct links to particular titles:

Kane on Trademark Law: a practitioner's guide

Fragomen on Immigration Fundamentals: a guide to law and practice

Trial Handbook (Fall 2021)

Corporate Whistleblowing in the Sarbanes-Oxley/Dodd-Frank Era

Fundamentals of Taking and Defending Depositions

Writing for Litigators

Pennsylvania Bar Institute - Webinars

Law students have free access to PBI webinars! Interested faculty or students should contact PBI’s Customer Experience team via email at or call 1-800-932-4637 Monday through Friday between 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

PBI has over 600 webinars, on-demand videos and webcast courses. Search or Browse at this link or ask your liaison librarian to assist in identifying relevant materials for your courses.

Note also that the Law Library has a standing order for PBI print materials. Check the catalog!


Films for Streaming

Falvey Library has an extensive collection of online videos and films. Browse their catalog here (filtered to online videos under LAW subject) to explore. Direct links to their film databases and information about classroom use, fair use and public performance rights are provided in this Falvey guide.