The Law School Library has version X7 of EndNote Desktop for PC on USB drives available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. NOTE: This is not the newest version which is X8. Falvey Library is no longer providing Endnote software directly to students but will provide technical assistance to those using the older version or who have purchased individual licenses. See Falvey's EndNote Help page more information.
EndNote Version X7 for Mac is also available for checkout.
Endnote Basic Account allows you to access some features for free without downloading Endnote Software to your computer:
Endnote is software that allows you to manage your bibliographic citations by automating and formatting your citations as you write. It is a fee-based product but an older version of the desktop software is available for checkout from the Law Library Circulation desk. Once you have the desktop version you can sync up your entries with the Endnote Web version so you can access your citation lists from anywhere.
EndNote offers two Blue Book Styles to choose from. The easiest way to locate them is to go to the Style search screen and search for "blue." One style is for formatting articles for law review submission while the other is more suited to court filings. You can also download the styles using the links below:
No citation management service provides perfect Bluebook citations but they do give you a starting point. To see how well EndNote stacks up against its competitors and the actual Bluebook itself in terms of citing to law review articles, books and cases see this comparison chart.
This the style of legal citation used throughout the UK and in parts of Europe. This style can be downloaded and added to your Endnote Syles folder here.
That link also contains instructions for installing the style. This Reference Guide shows how the items will appear on the bibliography page.