Lexis Advance also offers numerous Mealey's Litigation Reporters dedicated to insurance issues. Browse by topic and review the secondary sources links to locate these titles.
1. For a specific publication (such as Insurance Daily Briefing, Insurance Bad Faith newsletter etc):
2. For a specific search query: (ex. run search in "Insurance Law Reviews & Journals" for: drones & regulat!
Lexis Advance
1. For a specific publication (such as Emerging Insurance Disputes, Insurance Coverage law newsletter etc.)
2. For a specific search query (ex. select Insurance Law as practice area then run search for "drones" & liability"
Bloomberg BNA
Set up alerts to run for a specific search query (notification of new issues of publications is not available for Bloomberg).
Citation management software allows you to track your sources as you use them rather than waiting until the end of a project to retype a separate bibliography or Table of Authorities. This software also auto formats your citations in Bluebook format. (You still need to REVIEW and EDIT the citations.It's not perfect but it can save time.) For more information, check out this guide:
Landing page for Insurance Law on Westlaw. Accssible from the "Practice Areas" tab.
Features include:
Below are a few books on writing. For additional suggestions, consult with a Reference Librarian or check the library catalog.
Lexis for Microsoft Office allows you to easily access Lexis from within Microsoft Word. Features include tools for cite checking, citation formating, and creation of Table of Authorities. To use Lexis for Microsoft Office you must DOWNLOAD the latest version of the software. Logon to Lexis Advance and click PRon Apps & Tools tab for the download link under "Law Practice Resources."