Entrepreneurship & Business Startups: Small Businesses
This guide provides resources of interest to students in the Clinic for Law and Entrepreneurship as well as others who are interested in small business, business planning, nonprofit law and other related transactional and business resources.
Covers many aspects of a business split including issues in damages and valuation.
Legal Guide to Microenterprise Development by Susan R. Jones
Call Number: 2nd Floor: KF1659 .J66 2004
ISBN: 1590312953
Publication Date: 2004
Representing Start-up Businesses & the Role of Business Incubators by PBI
Call Number: 2nd Floor: KF1414.A2 .R47 2006
Publication Date: 2006
Forms & Sample Documents
Advising the Small Business: Forms and Advice for the Legal Practitioner by Jean L. Batman; American Bar Association, General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm Section Staff (Contribution by)
Offers information on hearing and legislation as well as resources for business owners and information on initiatives by Republican and Democratic members.
Congressional Research Service report on this office within the Small Business Administration that is tasked with advancing “the views and concerns of small businesses before Congress, the White House, federal agencies, the federal courts, and state and local policymakers
as appropriate"