American Law Reports: Each print volume of American Law Reports (A.L.R.) American Law Reports Federal (A.L.R. Fed.), and American Law Reports International feature numerous annotations (or articles) that focus closely on a specific legal issue, copiously supported by reference to case authority. American Law Reports are available on Westlaw and Lexis Advance. Search in the ALR databases for admiralty matters using the search methods appropriate to the system you select.
Practice Manuals and Guides: Practice manuals and guides may be used to aid the researcher’s understanding of the practical application of admiralty statutes, regulations, and case law:
Available in Westlaw:
Federal Practice and Procedure
Available in Lexis Advance:
Practice Forms: Model legal forms are helpful aids when drafting documents such as motions, pleadings, contracts for sales or services, and so on:
Available in Westlaw:
Admiralty & Maritime Form Finder
American Jurisprudence Legal Forms 2d
American Jurisprudence Pleading and Practice Forms Annotated
Available In Lexis Advance:
Legal Encyclopedia: Legal encyclopedias provide a concise introduction to the full scope of the law, and provide numerous citations to cases and scholarly legal works that support their discussions of various issues. Search the following legal encyclopedia databases for admiralty and maritime information, and for related matters in particular cases:
Available in Westlaw:
Available in Lexis Advance:
Law Reviews and Journals: Research law reviews and law journals on admiralty law issues with these resources:
HeinOnLine Law Journal Library
LegalTrac online journal index (limited full-text available)
Lexis Advance:
Some admiralty and maritime law journals available in print at Villanova:
Tulane Maritime Law Journal (K13 .A67)
Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce (K10 .O8482)
University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal (K25 .N737)
Check the Library’s OPAC for more print journals.
Legal Dictionaries: Use legal dictionaries to define unfamiliar legal terms:
Available in WestlawNext:
Available in Lexis Advance:
Treatises: Find treatises on Admiralty Law using the Law Library’s (or another library’s) online public access catalog (OPAC), or use the WORLDCAT database available to law students through Falvey Library, Villanova's main campus library. Some suggested treatises on admiralty law available electronically are available as follows:
Law of Maritime Personal Injuries
Lexis Advance: