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Federal Employers' Liability Act: Federal Regulations & Regulatory Agencies

Federal Regulations

Federal Regulations: Research federal regulations using the Code of Federal Regulations or the unofficial electronic version, the e-CFR.  Use the reference in an annotated United States Code to find regulations related to a FELA action.


Code of Federal Regulations


Title 49.  Transportation


Subtitle B--Other Regulations Relating to Transportation


Chapter II--Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation




Federal Register:  Use the CRF List of Sections Affected (LSA) and the Federal Register (published daily) to research the latest changes to federal regulations. 


The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) websites also provide news regarding regulatory action by these government bodies.  For additional information and resources on federal regulations in general, see  For historical coverage of federal regulatory resources, see the Code of Federal Regulations and Federal Register Libraries on Heinonline.


Federal Regulatory Agencies

Federal Regulatory Agencies:  Suggested Federal regulatory agencies relevant to the railroad industry, railroad labor and employee safety issues:


            Department of Labor

Occupational Health and Safety Administration


            Department of Transportation

Federal Railroad Administration


            Surface Transportation Board