Only a handful of research guides on human trafficking exist, but these guides will likely prove particularly helpful in your research process. Also consider reviewing guides relating to human rights, criminal law, and international law:
Brooklyn Law School's Research Guide on International Anti-Trafficking Enforcement Policy
Florida State University's Research Guide on Human Trafficking
Georgetown Law's Research Guide on Human Rights Law
Penn State University's Research Guide on Human Trafficking
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law's Research Guide on Human Trafficking
Polaris Project is a prominent organization aimed at fighting human trafficking both in the United States and abroad. The organization’s website explains that it was “[n]amed after the North Star ‘Polaris’ that guided slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad.” The website offers ample resources, including extensive data on state and federal trafficking legislation, thorough reports on the state of human trafficking, the national human trafficking hotline, and tools to help human trafficking victims.
International Organization for Migration
End Slavery Now: The Protection Project
Agency for International Development
Department of Health and Human Services:
Office of Refugee Resettlement. This Office houses many helpful programs, including the Anti-Trafficking in Persons campaign and the Rescue & Restore Campaign, and the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.
Department of Homeland security:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Department of Justice:
Child Exploitation & Obscenity Section
Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit
Department of State:
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
Federal Bureau of Investigation:
VUSL Coalition Advocating for Rights and Dignity (CARD). CARD aims to increase community awareness about human trafficking and immigration issues and to provide service opportunities to help Philadelphia’s underserved communities. CARD became an official VUSL student organization in the fall of 2013.
Freedom and Restoration for Everyone Enslaved (FREE)
Montgomery County Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition
Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect
Philadelphia Anti-Trafficking Coalition