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Corporate Compliance: ESG

General ESG Resources

What is ESG?

"ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. These are called pillars in ESG frameworks and represent the 3 main topic areas that companies are expected to report in. The goal of ESG is to capture all the non-financial risks and opportunities inherent to a company's day to day activities." From Deloitte's ESG Explained Series, #1 What is ESG?

Environmental issues can include:

  • Carbon emissions
  • Climate change vulnerability
  • Water sourcing
  • Biodiversity & land use
  • Toxic emissions & waste
  • Packaging material & waste
  • Electronic waste

Social issues can include:

  • Labor management
  • Worker safety training
  • Supply chain labor standards
  • Product safety & quality
  • Consumer financial protection

Governance issues can include:

  • Composition of the board in terms of diversity & independence
  • Executive compensation
  • Accounting practices
  • Business ethics
  • Tax transparency

Other names for ESG investing: sustainable investing, responsible investing, impact investing, socially responsible investing (SRI)

Current Awareness Resources

ESG Rating Scale-Specific Coverage

Using/Applying ESG Ratings to Company Research - Reports and Guidance

Business Journals & Academic Literature Databases

See Falvey's ESG guide for additional news sources including specific ESG journals and reporters.

News Sources

ESG Ratings flag issues that are occurring within a company or industry. To full understand those issues and how they impact a company, take information from the ratings and use it to run search for litigation and legal news. May also want to look for social policy or shareholder-initiated actions and reports as well. The sources below are a good entry into this type of research

Sustainability Frameworks

Organizations like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and others have created specific frameworks that companies can use to report their ESG/sustainability efforts. They have been adopted by different nations and industries but the most widely used framework currently is the Global Reporting Initiative. Note that each framework varies in its focus/use with some focusing on specific concerns like environmental/climate while others offer standards for a more diverse array of ESG factors.

Samples Policies and Documents

Company ESG Ratings Databases

Free General ESG Rating Databases

Free Specialized ESG Ratings (focused on a particular type of issue)

ESG Ratings Databases Requiring Paid Subscription

Criticisms of ESG & Ratings Methodologies

ESG Ratings - General Commentary

Rating Scale Methodologies

Criticisms of Specific Ratings Scales

Treatises and Guides