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Pennsylvania Legal Materials: Statutes


Statutes - laws passed by the Pennsylvania legislature

Session Laws/Pamphlet Laws:


               Laws of Pennsylvania:  Third Floor, KFP25 .A23

               Session Laws on Microfiche (1941- ):  Microforms, Cabinet 23


Codified Laws: 

         Through the Commonwealth Documents Law of November 27, 1970, P.L. 707,  No. 230, the Pennsylvania General Assembly adopted the new Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes code.  This began the mammoth, lengthy project that is still in progress today of recodifying and reorganizing Pennsylvania statutes.  The recodified titles are part of Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, while the uncodified titles are considered unconsolidated.  In a set such as Purdon’s, they will be shelved together in numerical order by title as one set, with the volumes being designated either Pennsylvania Consolidate Statutes Annotate (PA. C.S.A.) or Pennsylvania Statutes Annotated (P.S.).

         Note that although most states refer to their codified statutes as codes, in Pennsylvania this would be incorrect.  The Pennsylvania Code refers to codified administrative regulations.