As technological surveillance grows increasingly powerful and pervasive, particularly in the context of immigration enforcement, communities around the country and the world have been exploring legal tools to argue for transparency and accountability. "Our Tech Futures: A Convening on Tech Surveillance and Accountability" will showcase work and research from the “Take Back Tech” fellows from Just Futures Law and Mijente, as well as leading thinkers, researchers, organizers, activists, lawyers and technologists from around the country. The panels and plenaries will discuss ideas on the massive system of data sharing, data mining and surveillance by corporations and law enforcement. The CARES Clinic at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law is presenting three panels as part of the Convening.
This program is approved by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board for 3 Substantive Distance Learning credits. Please note registration is required. Attendees will receive email reminders from Eventbrite with the Zoom link prior to the event.